Saturday, April 18, 2009

Step Nine - Don't Pre-Judge

"Don't judge a book by its cover." - old adage

I, along with about 25 million people, recently came across the "Britain's Got Talent" video of Susan Boyle. She is an unknown woman from Great Britain, who knocked the socks off of the judges and the world. She sung "I Dreamed A Dream" from Les Miserables. It is a song that has been sung a million times, by people around the globe. However, there was something special about Susan's performance. Usually, on "American Idol"-like shows, the awkward, non drop-dead gorgeous, nobody is a fair bet a being a dud in the singing department. The producers usually set it up this way, so that the public has something to laugh at. How sad. Nonetheless, this particular show is not about being a pop star, but about having talent. Period. Boy does Susan Boyle have a ton of it.

Now, she is by no means the best singer I have ever heard. But, she is phenomenal and has a wonderful spirit and story. It obviously not take having good looks to have a good voice. She has even mentioned that she does not plan on getting a makeover and why should she? The one thing the "never been kissed" songstress said is that she will not be lonely anymore. That is for sure. So what is the main point here? Why is she such the YouTube and overall sensation these days? I think, as I mentioned above, it is the combination of her mezmerizing voice and wonderful spirit. She was so humble from the beginning to the end (watch the entire video to see what I mean).

Most people pre-judge others at first impression. They try to determine what the person is like on the inside by what he or she looks like on the outside. Now, we all remember our parents telling us it is what is on the inside that counts. I challenge everyone to try to keep a wide open mind when seeing someone for the first time. What does it hurt? You may even find that the person is a sweet, loving being that has many surprises in store for you. Make life fair...don't judge. I dare you.